We Buy – Sell to Us
Do you have surplus inventory? Upgrading your facility? Moving to another facility? We purchase items from all over North America.
If needed, we can arrange for our crew to take out the electrical items we purchase from you.
If you have it ready to ship, we set up all the transportation and send a truck in for pick up at your convenience. Please call us for more details! 865-573-7768 or Toll Free 866-573-7768
It is easy to sell to us.
If you have it ready to ship, we set up all the transportation and send a truck in for pick up at your convenience. Please call us for more details! 865-573-7768 or Toll Free 866-573-7768
It is easy to sell to us.
Send us a list and photos of what you have available and where it is located. We will get you a price, set up the transportation and send you all the needed documents. We pay for all the freight costs.
What we Buy:
Bus Duct
Bus Plugs
Electrical Panels
Molded Case Circuit Breakers
Panel Switches
Motor Control Centers
Bolt Locks
865-573-7768 or Toll Free 866-573-7768
Just complete the form below!
Regular Hours: M - F 8AM - 4:30PM
Closed For The Following 2025 Holidays:
Mon, May 26th Memorial Day
Fri, July 4th Independence Day
Mon, September 1st Labor Day
Thu & Fri, November 27th/28th Thanksgiving
Closed For Christmas - December 24th-January 1st
(Reopening January 2nd 2026)
*For Emergency service during holiday hours, please email sales@volequip.com or call (865) 573-7768 and leave an emergency message with name, part number, and contact phone number.